Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lisa Benton Case Essay

This case was interesting because it provided a few examples of the conflicts that are stated in organization behavior theories and models. The main issues that we see in this particular case are those dealing with perception, personality, and motivation. There seem to be both internal and external factors that are causing the issues. In specific, the internal issues derive from the personality of select individuals, which influence their behavior; but there are external factors that derive from the management and organization itself that are attributing to the individual’s negative behavior. In the following paragraphs, we will explore these issues further by identifying specific incidents that affected Lisa Benton’s performance. In evaluating the job choices that Lisa Benton, one can assume that she was a â€Å"Type A† achiever. We can see this because of the particular strengths and weaknesses that she evaluated per company to make her final job selection. Using McClelland’s theory, we can label Lisa Benton as having a Type A personality because the position she was seeking would require her to have personal responsibility, feedback, and moderate risks. Both job opportunities offered personal responsibly and feedback, however, the position at Right-Away was too visible, therefore, the risks of failing would have been more noticeable to the company’s upper management because it was a smaller organization. Thus, the risks were more than moderate and at that time Lisa Benton did not have sufficient self-efficacy to think she could qualify for the Right Away management position. Furthermore, we can have an idea about what motivates Lisa Benton and in examining the case, Lisa finds the intrinsic rewards more important than the extrinsic rewards. For example, the case states that even though the position at Right Away offered a better salary and upper management position, the learning and training opportunities, the recognition, and career development at Houseworld were more valuable. Linton makes it clear that she does not like or is impressed with Harvard MBAs, therefore, she is explicitly stating her personal bias against individuals with Lisa’s particular educational/ professional background. The specific perceptual process bias is the â€Å"stereotyping/ implicit personality theories and contrast error. Linton only familiarizes herself with Linton by reviewing her resume, but immediately generalizes Lisa with other MBA graduates that may have exhibited certain personality traits that Linton did not find favorable. Consequently, Linton is stereotyping Lisa before she has an opportunity to show her skill sets, to see that Lisa has a very approachable personality, and does whatever tasks are needed regardless of her role. Linton does not have an MBA and the case states that she was in Lisa’s previous position, so Linton’s approach to career development may be different from Lisa. This contrast error also contributes to their poor working relationship because Linton considers Lisa different from her, so perhaps an individual that she could identify with would have made her feel more comfortable. This may be the reason that Linton and Scoville, who both have similar backgrounds, work together effectively and share the same bias towards Lisa Benton. In respect to Scoville, he is also a personality Type A, however, unlike Lisa Benton his Type A behavior is more extreme. He displays a higher level of competiveness, time urgency, and anger. Interestingly, Lisa Benton and Scoville are both Type A personalities, however, Lisa Benton possess a higher sense of self-monitoring. Scoville also has high self-efficacy, but on the extreme side of the spectrum because his self-efficacy over rides his ability to work effectively in a team and does not seem to care on how he impacts the morale of his peers, in which ultimately impact their performance and perception on the organization. Lisa Benton has a Type A personality, but has an external locus of control. She feels that her performance and the drawbacks she is experiencing are solely caused by this particular management team. She is not considering that her direct lack of action (internal locus of control) is also contributing to the negative behavior from her management team. This can be seen in Scoville as well, when at the end of the case he expresses to Lisa how his behavior is due to his frustration with the organization and the lack of promotion opportunities; however, Scoville is failing to realize that perhaps his inability to self-monitor his negative behavior and inability to effectively interact with others are the reasons that the organization does not consider him for a promotion. One particular effect that we see happening in the case is the way that Scoville influences Lisa Benton’s performance. His constant reminder that she is on a â€Å"learning curve† and her performance is expected to stay at a minimal level, including her participation in projects, until she eventually receives sufficient training to perform at a higher level. This Pygmalion Effect that takes place does indeed impact Lisa’s performance as she hesitates to take initiatives on certain project tasks or provide more opinions and feedback during presentations. Scoville’s expectations of her limited performance, despite that she did have the ability to be a high performer, were believed and accepted by Lisa Benton. Additionally, another theory that we can see in this case is Kelly’s theory of casual attribution. Lisa Benton complains to other peers about her working relationship with Scoville and eventually her boss’s lack of managerial skills. This theory is relevant because it shows that Lisa’s statements about her current management team and their negative behavior is shared by other employees (consensus), her management team often exhibits negative behavior (consistency), and even in informal settings such as the lunch meetings she’s had with Scoville and Linton (distinctiveness). The negative performance review was also an issue with this case. The specific issues with the negative performance review can be seen in how it lacked the proper performance review cycle. During the beginning of the case, Lisa Benton’s boss failed to provide her with specific tasks, goals, and did not establish standards. Therefore, when Lisa requested her 3 month evaluation, Linton was not able to properly review her performance record. As a matter of fact, she was so focused on the negative aspects of what she perceived as being Lisa’s weaknesses, that she did not mention any of the strengths that contributed to the team’s performance. One of the few things that Lisa should have considered after the negative performance review is to schedule a follow up review immediately in a formal setting in order to properly document her strengths, weaknesses, and goals. The performance review would have also allowed Lisa to document the external factors that were contributing to her mediocre performance and force Linton to properly address them. If Linton would have refused to provide her with a formal performance review, then she should have approached the group product manager and address this issue with him. The negative aspect of this action is that it may have further alienated her from the current management team, since Linton may have felt that Lisa disregarded the chain of command by expressing her concerns with upper management versus addressing it directly with her. The pros of this approach may have been that the negative behavior of her current management team would have been brought to the attention of upper management or human resources and finally addressed to avoid future incidents. My recommendations for alternative solutions to the problems identified may have been to continue pursuing a formal performance review, and establish reoccurring one on one meeting with her boss in order to improve their working relationship. Perhaps by interacting with her boss more often (even if forced), her boss may have overcome her bias of Lisa due to her educational background. The weakness in this recommendation may be that it can alienate Scoville and contribute to his negative behavior. He may feel that Lisa is attempting to overshadow his role in the team. Further, I would have expressed my concerns about the negative behavior and its impact on my performance to the group product manager, so he would be aware of these issues. It is important that upper management is informed of this kind of behavior in order to quickly address them before valuable employees leave the company.

Design Teaching

Design teaching is seen as important, both in itself and as an integrated theme running throughout environmental degree courses. One of the prime objectives is to show the requirement for incorporating the material covered in traditional environmental engineering courses within a design framework. In this way, the importance, relevance and application of water resources and environmental engineering courses can be highlighted. In addition to this, it is recognized that project-based work is important in developing student enthusiasm for engineering and can therefore provide a mechanism for maintaining the required levels of interest throughout the course (Hopkinson et al., 2008). Design projects are often carried out with the students working in groups, which can be applied to develop teamwork and effective communication.One of the major advantages of project-based design work over traditional, formal lectures is that it is student-centered, requiring active learning rather than the passive acquisition of information through lectures. Even though the material that is possible to cover within a design project is challenging in terms of both student and faculty time, it is argued that project-based work may be a more effective method for acquiring knowledge and developing understanding. The importance of authenticity in effective design teaching has been highlighted by other authors who argue that the creation of an artifact or system designed is an essential part of the educational process (Koehler and Mishra, 2005). Project-based design teaching often offers the opportunity assessing an existing design through an audit or for producing a new prototype, which would not normally be possible within a conventional lecture course. Project-based teaching, therefore, presents the extra benefit to students of dealing with real problems and it is arguably more tangible than other teaching techniques. Although formal lectures provide an important means for acquiring knowledge, it is suggested that students often have more difficulty in understanding the material and realizing the relevance in course material when it is delivered in this way alone. The educational purpose of project-based design teaching within water resources and environmental engineering degree courses are not always fully appreciated. Therefore, it is the aim of this paper to discuss a range of objectives and show how they may be achieved within the perspective of a particular storm-water management design project. A shelter belt system along with a storm-water transfer management system was analyzed using calculations and formulas taught in the class. The shelter-belt technology is a proven technology being used in Germany and the Netherlands for controlling storm-water (Meurk, 2005). It was combined with the most-advanced Japanese water transfer technology (Saraswat, 2016). A group of students worked on storm-water management using different alternatives like shelter-belt technology and rainwater gardens and calculated various parameters. Students were encouraged to search for the information on the internet (like, and and other sources. Required information and guidance were provided by the instructor. The project aims to demonstrate the importance of integrating water resources and environmental engineering in the design process as well as to develop team work and communication skills. In the following sections, an outline of the project specifications is first given. The educational objectives are then presented in detail and the educational value of project based design teaching is discussed. The design process may be considered to comprise the following well-established phases: project specifications, common conceptualization, demonstration, and detail. This process pertains largely to original designs, but aspects of the overall process are also relevant to variant design into which category the current design projects in general fall. The present design projects identify a case study in variant design. The generation of design solutions requires some consideration of the original design process discussed above. But the majority of the project is concerned with the detailed design phase.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Is the Importance of Public Administration in Ghana

gStructure of the new local government system The new local government system is made up of a regional coordinating council (RCC) and a four-tier metropolitan and three-tier municipal/DAs structure. Composition of structure The RCC consists of the regional minister as chairman and his deputies, the presiding member of each DA and the district chief executive of each district in the region, two chiefs from the regional house of chiefs and the decentralized ministries without voting rights.A DA consists of the district chief executive,   two thirds of the members directly elected by universal adult suffrage, the members of parliament (MPs) representing constituencies within the district, and not less than 30% of the members appointed by the president in consultation with chiefs and interest groups in the district. The district chief executive is nominated by the president, approved by two-thirds of the members of the DA present and voting, and appointed by the president. The assembly has a presiding member who is elected from among its members by two-thirds of all the members of the assembly.The sub-district structures include: †¢ The sub-metropolitan DCs which consist of not less than 25 and not more than 30 members, made up of all elected members of the assembly in that   sub-metropolitan district and such other persons resident in the sub-metropolitan district appointed by the president. †¢ The urban council consists of not less than 25 and not more than 30 members made up of not more than eight persons elected from among the members of the relevant DA, not more than 12 representatives from the unit committees in the area of authority of the urban council and not more than 10 persons ordinarily resident in the urban area. The zonal council consists of not less than 15 and not more than 20 members made up of not more than five persons elected from among the members of the relevant municipal assembly, not more than 10 representatives from the unit committees and not more than five persons ordinarily resident in the zone. †¢ The town/area councils consist of not less than 15 and not more than 20 members made up of not more than five persons elected from among the members of the relevant assembly, not more than 10 representatives from the unit committees and not more than five persons ordinarily resident in the town or area. The unit committee consists of not more than 15 persons made up of 10 elected persons ordinarily resident in the unit and not more than five other persons resident in the unit and nominated by the district chief executive, acting   on behalf of the president. Elections to all local government bodies are on a non-partisan basis; the elections are state-sponsored and conducted by the electoral commission. Regional coordinating councils (RCCs) RCCs are established for each of the 10 regions of Ghana. An RCC is an administrative and coordinating rather than a political and policy-making body. Its functio ns are to: monitor, coordinate and evaluate the performance of the DAs in the region; †¢ monitor the use of all monies allocated to the DAs by any agency of the central government; †¢ review and coordinate public services generally in the region †¢ perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by or under any enactment. Metropolitan/municipal/district assemblies DAs in Ghana are either metropolitan (population over 250 000), municipal (one town assemblies with populations over 95 000) or district (population 75 000 and over. ) There are three metropolitan assemblies, four municipal assemblies and 103 DAs.A metropolitan/municipal/DA is: †¢ created as the pivot of administrative and developmental decision-making in the district and is the basic unit of government administration †¢ assigned with deliberative, legislative as well as executive functions †¢ established as a monolithic structure to which is assigned the responsibility of the totality o f government to bring about integration of political, administrative and development support needed to achieve a more equitable allocation of power, wealth and geographically dispersed development in Ghana constituted as the planning authority for the district. Functions of the assemblies These are deliberative, legislative and executive. Section 10(3) of Act 462 lists them as follows: a) be responsible for the overall development of the district and shall ensure the preparation and submission through the regional coordinating council for approval of the development plan to the commission and budget to minister of finance for the district b) formulate and execute plans, programmes and strategies for the effective mobilization of the resources necessary for the overall development of the district ) promote and support productive activity and social development in the district and remove any obstacles to initiative and developmentd) initiate programmes for the development of basic inf rastructure and provide municipal works and services in the district e) be responsible for the development, improvement and management of human settlements and the environment in the district f) in cooperation with appropriate national and local security agencies, be responsible for the maintenance of security and public safety in the district ) ensure ready access to the courts and public tribunals in the district for the promotion of justice h) initiate, sponsor or carry out such studies as may be necessary for the discharge of any of the functions conferred by this Law or any other enactment perform such other functions as may be provided under any other enactment. Sub-district political/administrative structures These being subordinate bodies of the DAs, they perform functions assigned to them by the instruments setting up by the assemblies or delegated to them by the assemblies.They are constituted by the sub-metropolitan DCs, urban/town/ zonal/area councils, and unit committee s. Sub-metropolitan DCs These structures are immediately below the metropolitan assemblies. There are 13 of these structures established by law. These are shown below: This arrangement has been dictated by the complex and peculiar socio-economic, urbanisation and management problems which confront these three metropolis. Urban councils Urban councils are peculiar to settlements of â€Å"ordinary† DAs.They are created for settlements with populations above 15 000 and which are cosmopolitan in character, with urbanisation and management problems, though not of the scale associated with the metropolis. Thirty-four of these councils are established by law. Zonal councils The zonal councils are in the â€Å"one-town† municipal assemblies of Cape Coast, New Juaben, Tamale and Tema, for which the establishment of town/area councils will raise problems of parallel administrative structures. There are 108 of such zonal councils for the four municipal assemblies.They are based o n the electoral commission’s criteria of: commonality of interest, population of 3000 and identifiable streets, land marks, etc. as boundaries. Sub-Metropolitan District Council under Respective Metropolitan Assemblies Assembly Accra Metropolitan Assembly Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan Assembly Ablekuma Asokwa Sekondi Ashiedu Keteke Bantama Takoradi Okaikwei Manhyia Shama Ayawaso Kpeshie Osu Klottey Subin Town/area councils These are found in the metropolitan assemblies and DAs. In the DAs, town councils are established for settlements with populations between 5000 and 1500.Area councils exist for a number of settlements/villages which are grouped together but whose individual settlements have populations of less than 5000. They cover areas with predominantly rural populations and in some cases can be identified with spheres of influence of a particular traditional authority. They are essentially rallying points of local enthusiasm in support of a new local government system. A unit is normally a settlement or a group of settlements with a population of between 500–1000 in the rural areas, and a higher population (1500) for the urban areas.Unit committees being in close touch with the people play the important roles of education, organization of communal labour, revenue-raising and ensuring environmental cleanliness, registration of births and deaths, implementation and monitoring of self-help projects, among others. Committees of District Assemblies In the performance of its functions, the DA works through the executive committee and its subsidiary committees of development planning, social services, works, finance and administration, and justice and security. Executive committeesThe functions of the assembly are performed by the executive committee, which is presided over by the district chief executive and consists of not more than onethird of the total number of members of the assembly excluding the presiding memb er. Heads of departments of the assembly attend the meetings of the relevant sub-committees and advise them on the execution of their functions, but may not vote. A sub-committee can also coopt persons to attend its meetings but also without a vote. The functions performed by the executive committee are to: coordinate plans and programmes of the sub-committees and submit these as comprehensive plans of action to the DA †¢ implement resolutions of the district in collaboration with the office of the DA †¢ oversee the administration of the district in collaboration with the office of the district chief executive †¢ recommend where it considers necessary – in the case of departments outside 364 the supervision of the assembly which are in the district – to the appropriate government ministry/department/agency the appointment and replacement on stated grounds of officers within the area of authority of the assembly adopt measures to develop and execute appro ved plans of the units, areas and towns and sub-metropolitan districts within the area of authority of the assembly †¢ recommend to the DA the coordination, integration and harmonisation of district development plans and policies. Sub-committees of the executive committeeThe sub-committees of the executive committee and the functions they perform are shown below: Development planning sub-committee †¢ takes a comprehensive look at the district †¢ identifies the economic resources/potentials of the district †¢ develops an information base on the resources identifies opportunities and constraints for the exploitation of these resources †¢ prepares exploitation and phasing plans and strategies †¢ consults with other sub-committees and the private sector for the implications that the proposed district plan may have on other sub-committees’ plans †¢ submits the plan to the executive committee for harmonisation with other sub-committee plans. Socia l services sub-committee †¢ takes a comprehensive and long-term look at areas of social development in the district, in particular education, health, social welfare, sports, culture, etc. develops the information base on these areas of social development†¢ prepares a social development plan (long-, medium- and short-term) for the district Sub-Committees of the Executive Committees of the Assembly District Assembly, Executive Committee Development Planning Sub- Committee, Social Services Sub- Committee, Works Sub-committee, Finance Administration, Justice/ Security †¢ identifies the strengths and weaknesses in the social services areas †¢ examines the implications of the social development plan on other sub-sectors of the district economy submits the plans to the executive committee for harmonisation. Works sub-committee The functional areas of the works sub-committee includes roads, electricity, sanitation, water, etc. Within the general framework of Act 462 and the specific functions in the legislative instruments that establish the various assemblies, this sub-committee: †¢ takes a comprehensive look at the infrastructure needs and problems of the district †¢ develops an information base on each of these programme/functional areas †¢ maps out, initiates and phases out programmes for their development and/or provision examines the implications of such actions for the other sub-committee proposals †¢ submits the programmes to the executive committee for harmonisation and action.Finance and administration sub-committee This sub-committee †¢ examines the general financial position of the assembly †¢ examines the revenue mobilisation and expenditure trends of the assembly †¢ maps out strategies to improve revenue mobilisation in the present and sets targets for the future †¢ submits financial plans to the executive committee for harmonisation with other sub-committee plans identifies strategies to ensure judicious utilisation of available resources. Justice and security sub-committee This sub-committee is set up to resolve intra-district and inter-district conflicts and to consider issues that pertain to the enforcement of by-laws of the assembly. To achieve these purposes, the sub-committee: †¢ examines these and other related conflict areas †¢ recommends to the executive committee ways and means to resolve disputes †¢ ensures ready access to the courts and tribunals for the promotion of justice in the district, e. . making sure that premises are available for use by community tribunals and that police logistics are adequate. A DA can form any other sub-committee, depending on the peculiarities of its environment or its area. The committee’s discussed above are, however, mandatory. They can be dissolved and reconstituted but cannot be replaced, for example by a task force. Sub-committees of metropolitan assemblies These and their subject areas are shown in Ap pendix 2. Boards of metropolitan assembliesFor the efficient performance of its functions, a metropolitan assembly has three metropolitan boards: †¢ Metropolitan Planning Board †¢ Board of Metropolitan Works †¢ Board of Administration. The Sub-districts – New Decision-Making points for Poverty Reduction using the Sub-district Development Fund Saboba Introduction At the design stage of DSDA II, an Economic Development Component (Sub-district Development Fund) was suggested as a means to support economic development at the district and sub district levels. An amount of 14. 87 million DKK (US $ 2. 25 million) was earmarked over four years, to support activities of this component. This was designed to reduce poverty through the provision of social infrastructure and improved incomes, while strengthening the institutional and human capacity of the districts and economic stakeholders to manage these resources in an efficient and accountable manner. During the impleme ntation stage a great number of lessons and experiences with regards to the Sub-district Development Fund (SDDF) herein after referred to as the Fund were accumulated and documented.The processes undertaken to reach these are highlighted in this chapter. The Best Practices and Lessons at the Design Stage dentifying and Establishing the Guiding Principles and Objectives Lesson One:Prior to the implementation of the Fund, an exercise was undertaken to establish guiding principles and objectives. The Fund, over the four-year period, operated around a number of principles which comply with the overall framework of Ghana’s decentralisation and poverty reduction programmes and these were: * Broad stakeholder participation in decision making; * Demand-driven;   Need and commitment; *   Viability and ownership; * Equity in resource allocation and targeting; * Decentralised development; and * Local capacity building and sustainability. The objectives which guided the support activ ities and the developed systems were: * To support social and economic development investments that will serve as catalyst for further economic opportunities in ruru mmunities. * To strengthen the existing local government structures and institutions to provide services for decentralised development (financial, training, business development, project management, etc).   To enhance local decision making in project selection and implementation involving relevant stakeholders; * To deepen the sense of community ownership and responsibility for projects, especially post delivery operation and maintenance; and * To promote effective monitoring and evaluation of project implementation, utilisation and management for sustainability. Developing Effective Core Strategies and Approaches Lesson Two: For the SDDF, several strategies were developed through broad stakeholder consultation and validation.These consultations culminated in the formulation of specific strategies for implementation. A model strategy for poverty reduction, focusing on economic and social development was developed to guide implementation. In principle, three-tier strategy model proposed the targeting of economic funds towards projects with the highest potential to serve as catalysts for economic growth. Option 1: Regional economic promotion facility located at the regional level to cater for activities that seek to integrate economic development.Option 2: A district economic development policy and promotion facility, to support D As to establish district-based strategies and policy for economic development; and, Option 3: Community economic development facility categorised into: (a)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Economic Associations targeting those engaged in common economic vocations requiring common facilities and services to enhance their production activities; and (b)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Entire communities: where they require a common asset to broaden economic opportunities for all its residents.Each option was alloc ated a certain percentage of the total funds on the basis of major principles. Stakeholder Consultation and Decisions Lesson Three: Following the formulation of an entry strategy, stakeholders reached agreement on the feasibility of the strategy and made inputs towards owning it. Participating stakeholders included personnel of the Regional Coordinating Council and other regional institutions, personnel of the District Assembly and other district institutions, community level opinion eaders, representatives of women groups and credit/business advisory bodies. These consultations were organised first at the regional level and later at the district level. Involving stakeholders in project conception and inception was found to be critical for purposes of ownership and sustainability. The Best Practices and Lessons at the Implementation Stage At the implementation phase a number of lessons were learnt and some best practices emerged as follows: A Well Defined Implementation Plan and Pro cess Lesson One:The project cycle of the SDDF, was perceived as something beyond a mere list of activities. The processes were defined and shared to ensure their feasibility in relation to anticipated outputs. The instruments to facilitate effective implementation were pre-designed, discussed and modified appropriately. (i) Orientation of beneficiaries on SDDF as an Entry-Strategy: Following stakeholder validation of the economic development model and strategy, detailed orientation sessions in the two regions were organised.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Project Management Tools and Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Project Management Tools and Techniques - Essay Example These terms include project-oriented business, project-based organizations, management by projects, organizational structure of project form and temporary project organization. The Sydney Opera House is Australias best-known iconic structure that symbolizes the states beauty and culture. It is also famous due to its management failures during its construction, which had the effect of redesigning seventeen times before successfully ending. According to Architecture Week (2006, p.143), the architecture competition was won by JÃ ¸rn Utzon after New South Wales set out the bidding process in the year 1957, it construction was commenced in the year 1959. The duration that the project was to take was four years with an underestimated budget of $7 million. The project, however, took a total of 14 years to full completion, whooping a total cash of $102 million (Bull 2007, pp. 145-171). Taking such an escalated amount as compared to the initial value that was set with the addition of $95 million, are the reasons why the project is considered unsuccessfully planned and managed. Majority considers the project as the leading projects that had disastrous management in the history, not only from the management, but also financially. In its analysis why it is a consideration as one of the most unsuccessful projects trace from the initial stages. On the conception of this project, the priority is to set out the mission, objectives, and its goals by the time of its completion. "For any project, objectives, goals and intentions have to be defined under the guidance of the client, so that the project can be in line with what is needed to be completed" (Ramroth &William 2006 p. 52). The main factors in a project to be considered a success or a failure are costs, time, and quality. Concerning Sydney and its clients, the last option was of more weight to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Criminal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminal Law - Essay Example The main purposes of having criminal laws are just twofold: to state public morality and to set the boundaries within the society. In a society, there are various non-verbal practices that have been put to law, because the members of the society deem it as offending or inappropriate. So when an individual violates a rule which is establish by the society, or perhaps a public moral, then that individual would be punished for intentionally breaking the rule, because his action implies that he is intentionally causing disharmony to the society. Law, or criminal law in this case, seeks to have these individuals accountable for the criminal actions they have committed. This is done through having legal actions against them, like imprisonment or fines. Criminal law is based on many written sources, all of them from laws. These are constitutional, administrative, statutory, common and case laws. Constitutional law deals with the U.S. Constitution: how it has to be interpreted and implemente d. All the laws are subordinate of the constitution. If, say, a law is in conflict with the Constitution, the Supreme Court acts on it and deem it unconstitutional. Administrative laws are made by the government offices, agencies and commissions. They are semi-judicial or semi-legislative in character but they often have criminal penalties. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are examples of administrative agencies that make this kind of laws. They can also formulate rules and investigations and also impose sanctions. Statutory laws are those which are passed as statutes by the Congress and other state legislative bodies. The federal government has its own set of statutory laws as well as the state government. Federal law sometimes overlaps with the federal law. Common law is based on the universal practices and notions of the society. It is also known as judge-made law, where the judges created the common law by r uling that certain actions are deemed as crimes and they are punishable. The judges also defined that certain offenses like rape and murder are crimes against the state. This originated in England in the twelfth century. Case laws are laws that laws that have resulted from court decisions and interpretations of statutory law. This is often the result when certain court decisions have not yet been codified. One of the most common justification and excuse defense used is self-defense and insanity. A justification or excuse in jurisprudence is a defense against criminal charges and it’s commonly used as a means to grant exception for a person which may have criminal liabilities (excuse) or as a means to vindicate an act (justice). These defenses have similar but different functions. Justification was already seen in Early English law but they were for remission of the criminal’s punishments, which is basically just a dismissal of criminal charges. Justification also means that criminal charges be dismissed because an individual enforcement of the law or for the benefit of the public. Excuse began as a plea for mercy and often used psychology to support the acts of crime. Therefore, justification implies that it is for the common good, and for the uniformity of the people in the society while excuse is a highly individualized defense, depending on the accused psychological assessment. For example, self-defense is commonly used as

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Prescriptive Approach to Business Strategy Formulation Essay

Prescriptive Approach to Business Strategy Formulation - Essay Example This essay describes main characteristics of the prescriptive approach to business strategy and compares it with the emergent approach. The present day business environment is largely characterized by the large scale fluctuations and turbulence in the business environment. This has called for an immediate need for business organizations to develop a strategic framework that seeks to generate competitive advantage. Prescriptive strategy is largely being rated by scholars and business strategists as a top down approach. Prescriptive strategies are usually framed by the top management and are largely applicable in stable business environments. These strategies are increasingly employed when customers have low bargaining power and it is easy to predict customer’s moves and motives. This strategy therefore cannot be used in times of turbulence. Since the top management is the sole decision maker in the prescriptive strategy making process hence the decision maker is segregated from the target market that makes these strategies largely ineffective in turbulent and fluctuating business environment. Prescriptive strategies normally are effective during stable conditions when the situations are largely stable and the market behavior can be easily analyzed. While prescriptive strategies may be beneficial in times of stable business environments however the emergent strategy framework with its bottom up approach and flexible nature scores well above the prescriptive approach in times of turbulence in the business markets.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Blood Spatter Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Blood Spatter Analysis - Essay Example Interpretation of bloodstain patterns entails physical measurements of blood droplets, knowledge of motion in Physics, use of trigonometry, as well as recognition of patterns using already known experiments or photographs (Gardner & Bevel, 2008). Other evidence such as tool mark, footprint impressions, fingerprints, chemical analysis, DNA evidence are used together with splatter analysis to create the sequence of events that led to the crime. While collecting evidence using splatter analysis; care should be taken since bloodstains cannot be carried to the laboratory lab for interpretation. Photographs should also be taken in addition to drawing of sketches to facilitate piecing of the puzzle together. The photographs and sketches are essential since they help in keeping visual records of the evidence. Substrate splatter analysis technique is one of the most accurate techniques. This is attributed to the fact that it facilitates the preservation of the samples for additional chemical and biological analysis (Gardner & Bevel, 2008). Additionally, the hyper-spectral imaging used in substrate splatter analysis offers a clarity for visualizing the blood splatter; thus, necessitating easy and detailed analysis. From the above information, it is extremely essential to employ the use of splatter analysis in solving violent

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Is Marriage a Dying Institution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Is Marriage a Dying Institution - Essay Example and ways of leading life and gay marriages, marriage is still considered a platform to ensure stability in the society and is not really a dying institution although its form and outlook have changed overtime. Few believe in the traditional words of the Book of Common Prayers that marriage is meant to last till death part the two partners. The few people who marry in UK have majority of then ending in divorce. This has even raised the concerns of the church leaders who are constantly trying to build a rescue plan. In this age of Information Technology cyber divorce ensures that a marriage can end with the click of a mouse. According to the Archbishop of Canterburry, the consumer culture has been on the rise and this has influenced the institution of marriage where people are constantly moving with the hope of finding someone better and worthier than whom he or she has. Apart from the rate of divorce, there are other factors that need to be considered. (BBC Online Network, 2007) In the modern times, the idea of living together and getting into an intimate emotional and physical relationship with one another is not much of an issue especially when some states like Canada have legalized the act. In California, such partners are known as â€Å"domestic partners†. Despite all states like North Carolina, Mississippi, Virginia, Florida, North Dakota and Michigan still deem the act as a crime in the eye of law. Therefore there is no reason to lose all hope and faith in marriage and give the entire credit to cohabitation. Also, in places like India the idea of opposite sex people cohabiting without the bond of marriage is taken as a taboo. Thus, there are ways and scope to ensure that the institution of marriage still retains its bliss. Though homosexual relationships are increasingly gaining acceptance in different nations, yet these couples are not permitted to marry. Some states have identified a form of civil union, which is in practice marriage without the term

Divorce Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Divorce Problem - Essay Example It is known that government regulates almost all aspects of intimate relations instead of paying more attention to increasing costs of welfare. (Nocks et al. 1999) The authors think that covenant marriages are able to make relations stronger and "not just harder to get out of it". As far as marriage may be a prison to a woman, covenant marriage guarantees more freedom and leaves woman a way to escape from it. According to authors the covenant marriage is able to provide marginally stronger promises than common marriage. Furthermore, women will be more financially secure, because according to statistics women suffer more from divorce, especially in terms of finance. (Nocks et al. 1999) Actually, a covenant marriage gives couple more choices. The authors' point of view is that covenant marriages are more stable, longer in duration and significantly healthier. What is more important is that covenant marriages protects from being emotionally, verbally and physically abused. It is concluded that this type of marriage promotes more democracy in traditional patterns of family interactions. (Nocks et al. 1999) Despite the provided advantages it is difficult to agree that covenant marriages are better, because nowadays it is not socially accepted.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analyzing the Advertisement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyzing the Advertisement - Research Paper Example Sometime, there is also a difference seen in the advertisement of same product on internet, newspaper, magazine and television. People have different attitude towards advertisement while watching television, reading newspaper or magazine and while surfing internet. Following is the descending order of major media through which advertisement reach its viewers, newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, magazines, business publications, outdoor advertising, and lastly farm publications. To catch the attention of the viewer there are different strategies which are used.Therefore, advertisers uses different techniques of colors, texts, images, languages and layout, if put together efficiently can easily catch the reader's attention. It results in influencing the opinion of the viewer, thus persuading them for buying that particular product rather than any other in that particular category. Â  I have chosen this picture advertisement from Diesel's recent advertisement campaign famous as "Global Warming Ready". This ad campaign received a lot of media attention for the fact that they used unique idea for advertising their new clothing range. It used the word Global Warming while trivializing the matter to sell clothe. Personally global warming is noticeably an imminent crisis, which world is threatened of. So I think sometimes by taking a revitalizing step and usually start being ironic about the whole thing can result in catching the attention of the audiences - a moronic way of laughing at ourselves.... So I think sometimes by taking a revitalizing step and usually start being ironic about the whole thing can result in catching the attention of the audiences - a moronic way of laughing at ourselves is also used in stand up comedies. There is actually no harm in using this idea but advertisers use obvious hidden messages and sometime undertones, so that viewer is stopping to read and find out that message. And so it worked wonders in this ad campaign as well. The creative strategy is really effective because the advertisers are using a combination of two three strategies like it looks generic (showing global warming message for the whole range), pre-emptive (in words as well as in pictures) along with the unique selling proposition (people can feel the difference in the campaign when comparing with other brand) keeping the brand equity balanced. Strong resonance is found in the advertisement which is appealing the central theme of the receiver's life by using the word ' Global Warmin g Ready' The advertisement is using complex theme which the background is taking over while the advertisement is stuff with all the connotations which include, status, power, sex and luxury. The language used in the advertisement is figurative. For, the target audience being young women and men, this advertisement iswell designed and juxtaposed to attract the right audience. This advertisement is using colors using earthy color tints like skin which is actually revealing the heat up of 'global warming'. Contrasting is done by using greys and blues in the background which is evoking the required murkiness in the environment and highlighting the rise in the water level in New York in the background. It is showing that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Developing good study skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Developing good study skills - Essay Example Furthermore, it is possible to overcome procrastination by developing proper studying habit, and hence improving the studying habit of an individual is the key of good study, and success in education. This paper takes a stand that good studying habits are an important tool that a student should have in their toolbox of life. Ability to develop good studying habits is able to create great organizational skills, and this develops the testing ability of a student, providing less stress and frustration when meeting and preparing deadlines. Rawlings (2008) explains that the tips of achieving success for onsite classroom students, is the same as the tips of achieving success for online students. Following a series of studying tips are essential in helping students to effectively learn new academic theories as well as concepts. Zimmerman and Schunk (2011) explains that effectively following these studying tips is an example of a good studying habit, and hence it helps a student to be organized in his or her work. One of the best methods that a student can use to stay organized is through using folders which can help him or her to keep assignments and any school work, until the time when these assignments and school work are needed. Rawlings (2008) explains that when children are able to reach a grade whereby tests and homework are part and parcel of their school curriculum, then there are a variety of actions that parents can undertake for purposes of encouraging good studying habits. It is important to explain that when students are faced with a variety of home work and tests, without proper guidance, chances are high that they may develop stress. On this basis, a good and proper studying habit is to carry a study before and during the process of doing the homework. It is important to understand that little amount of home studies will play a great role in helping elementary school

Monday, July 22, 2019

Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay Example for Free

Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay The Philippines. The Pearl of the Orient Seas, a country full of wonderful places, places being visited of tourists from different countries. A great country with great people called Filipinos. Filipinos, people with such nice traits. Tan, the color of their skin, the color that makes many foreigners envy them. They have rich black hair that flows naturally. Twinkling eyes some have black ones, some have hazel brown. They have such lovable characteristics. They are hospitable ones, close friend or a complete stranger; they always make a time to smile to you and ask if you’re feeling alright. Cheerful, they are, and talented too! Reciting poems expressing the appropriate feelings, singing to the top of their lungs, dancing so gracefully that you want to join them. They are hard-working, industrious they are. They are also religious of course, they surrender all to God. There are lots of traits of the Filipinos that are to be proud of. And I am one of them, one of the â€Å"They†. I am a Filipino, a proud one. And you, I suppose, are one too. I just can’t think why we, Filipinos are not proud of our nationality, our country. Why we, choose other products than ours, because in our mind things made locally are ‘CHEAP’ which is totally not true, we are makers of world class items. We should be proud of our country. Don’t you know that we, Filipinos, are admired by people around the world? They love the Philippines AND the Filipinos. There is nothing, absolutely nothing to be ashamed of being a Filipino. Neither our physical traits, nor our characteristics should be ashamed of. So, how do we show our love to our country? Easy. Simply choose our own products instead of the imported ones. This will also help our country arise in terms of economy. Learn about our country, this will also help you love our country more. We shouldn’t be ashamed of our beloved country.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategic Management Analysis Of Telecom Industry Commerce Essay

Strategic Management Analysis Of Telecom Industry Commerce Essay Purpose The paper aims to emphasize a positive change toward the strategic management and decision making. It brings out a few lacking that are important to know for the industry. Design/methodology/approach The paper opted for an exploratory study including interviews and group discussion with employees representing middle and senior management. Data is increased by applying the analytical tools, the descriptions of internal processes, and organizational structures, magazine articles and the web. Findings The paper provides practical understandings about the strategic management analysis and organizational structure. Practical implications The paper includes detailed analysis of the various factors that need to be catered for. That includes SWOT analysis of the organization and deep study of structuring of organization. Originality/value The paper fulfills the need of exploring the strategic management and organizational structure study. Keywords: Strategic Management, Organizational Structure. Introduction Telecom industry is the collection of all industries and companies providing phone service, data or entertainment to consumers and businesses. It is the fastest growing industry in Pakistan and with highest per year growth rate in tele-density Worldwide (Atta 2008b, P.1 of 1) it has become a backbone in Pakistans economy. Telecom industry provides many employment and investment opportunities due to high revenues generated via large number of telephony subscribers. Along with opportunities, this industry also provides vast facilities to communicate and connect globally in a better, reliable and modern manner. Background: Telecommunication services in Pakistan were started in 1947 when Posts Telegraph Department was created. As an extension, Pakistan Telephone Telegraph Department was established in 1962 to provide fixed telephone services. Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) started under PTC Act 1991. This overlapped with the Governments competitive policy and encouraged the participation of the private sector, resulting in award of licenses for card-operated pay phones, cellular companies, paging and, lately, data communication services. Pursuing a progressive policy, the Government announced its plans to privatize PTCL in 1991. In Pakistan, the Pakistan Mobile communications Ltd (Mobilink) started its operations in 1994. Mobilink (subsidiary of the Orascom Telecom Holding) with more than 31.6 million subscribers is Pakistans leading cellular and Blackberry service provider. Other major competitors are Telenor 23.4 million, and Warid (Abu Dhabi Group) 16.38 million, Ufone 18.93 million and Zong (China Mobile Company) 6.76 million. By April 2010, there were 97.6 million mobile phone subscribers in Pakistan. PTCL launched its mobile and data services firms in 2001 i.e. Ufone and PakNet respectively. In 2006, Government of Pakistan decided to privatize 26 % of PTCL. Etisalat, with a large margin in the bet was able to get the shares. Purpose: The purpose of this report is to understand the organizational structure and strategic management process by utilizing analytical tools- SWOT analysis. Improvements in strategic management process and decision-making will be suggested. Aims and Objectives: Conduct interviews and discussions with middle and senior level management personnel from the telecom industry Conduct SWOT analysis over feedback received from the interviews and discussions Study the organizational structure of Telenor and Ufone Reach out mobile subscribers to get feedback and to help define QoS targets and KPIs Provide suggestions about improvement in strategic management process and decision making Scope: Survey: Design questionnaires and conduct interviews with middle and senior level management Data Analysis Tools: Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threat (SWOT) Organizational Structure: Vertical Differentiation (Hierarchical Levels, Span of Control, Integrating Mechanisms, Centralization and Decentralization, Standardization and Mutual Adjustment and Professionalism) Research Methodology Document/Literature reviews: The first method we adopted in the implementation of our research methodology was reviewing work already done in the field closely resembling our analysis. This was done on the basis of multiple documents most notably of other telecommunication companies and analysis done on the basis of different circumstances factoring in the companys strategic management and decision making process. Mixture of Quantitative and Qualitative Survey: The purpose of qualitative analysis is to get a complete detailed description whereas in quantitative analysis we classify features, count them, and even construct more complex statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed. Qualitative analysis allows for fine distinctions to be drawn because it is not necessary to shoehorn the data into a finite number of classifications. It is also used to investigate the  why  and  how  of  decision making, not just  what,  where,  when. This also justifies the reasoning behind getting smaller but focused  samples rather than getting larger samples. Quantitative analysis basically leads to the systematic empirical investigation of social phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. Its main objective  is to develop and employ  mathematical models,  theories and/or  hypotheses  pertaining to phenomena. In easier terms it basically means that quantitative researcher asks a specific, narrow question and collects numerical data from participants to answer the question. Official Perception surveys: These surveys will be qualitative surveys conducted on the basis of information gathered by senior officials from managerial level employees in the telecommunication industry. These surveys will be in the form of descriptive questions and will be used to analyze different factors involved in the companys decision making process. This analysis will be done in the form of Key Informant Interviews and will be held taking into account a senior officials own analysis of the companys strong and weak points. Customer Satisfaction Surveys: These surveys will be quantitative surveys distributed amongst people in the form of questionnaires. This will be done in the form of Random Selection Surveys hence to cover major portion of our required research. Literature Review Strategic Management Process: Strategic management process defines the strategies of the organizations. It is the process by which managers choose a set of strategies for the organization that will assist it to achieve better performance and QoS targets. Strategic management is an ongoing process that has three main stages namely: strategic formulation, strategic implementation and evaluation. Organizations use strategic analysis tools for the strategic management process Organizational Structure: Organizational structure determines hierarchy and the reporting structure in an organization. These may be classified into different types based on a variety of things mainly scale of the organization and the scope of its operations. Traditional structure organizations are based on functional division and departments, various types of structures under these structures are Line Structure (Used in Small Organizations), Line and Staff Structure (Used in Large Organizations), and Functional Structure (Division based on the functions a person perform). Divisional structured organizations are based on functional division and departments they have. These may be classified as Product Structure, Market Structure and Geographic Structure. Some other kinds of organizational structures are Matrix Structure, Network Structure and Team Structure.. Literature review has been conducted for this research article to understand the concepts underlying strategic management process and the organizational structure. This will help to carry out the required work of survey, SWOT analysis, and for making the suggestions based on the conducted research. Results Strategic Management Process Strategic management involves managers from all levels of the organization to formulate and implement strategies to provide superior fit between organization and its environment to achieve set goals of the organization. This involves action and decision-making. Three stages of strategic management process are strategic planning, implementation and evaluation. The nine steps encompassing these three stages are Assessment, Strategy, Objectives, Strategic Maps, Performance Measures, Initiatives, Automation, Cascade and Evaluation. The process can be described by the flow chart presented in figure 1 below: Figure : Strategic Management Process Strategic Management Process is accompanied with SWOT analysis, which provides data to formulate and implement strategies and changes to achieve the target goals and QoS. SWOT analysis helps to examine internal (strength and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) elements of a business. SWOT analysis can help the management team in a business to discover: What the organization does better than the competitors do? What competitors do superior than the organization? Whether the business is making most of the available opportunities? How a business should react to changes in its external environment? SWOT analysis for Telenor Pakistan and Ufone Pakistan has been conducted as case study. SWOT Analysis of Telenor Pakistan Telenor Pakistan is a possession of the Telenor group, an international service provider in terms of voice, data plans and communication services across Europe and Asia. It is amongst the largest mobile service operators in the world over 179 million mobile subscribers (2010). Telenor Pakistan has recently reached the landmark of 30 million subscribers in Pakistan. It is now second in terms of market share in Pakistan after Mobilink. Case study of SWOT analysis for Telenor Pakistan has been discussed as follows: Strengths: Telenor introduced the concept of Mobile TV for the very first time in Pakistan Telenor provides desirable packages for every market sector like djuice for youth and price conscious class and persona for upper and elite class State of art technology like the latest underground fiber optical network Telenor Pakistan stands at number 2 in terms of market share and coverage after Mobilink Telenor Pakistan introduced the concept of free international roaming during Hajj program Telenor operate with more than 30 million subscribers all over the Pakistan Weaknesses: There is no institute in Pakistan that provides formal education in the fields of networking and other core technical capabilities so Telenor needs to have a major chunk of their personnel trained from institutions outside of Pakistan The customer service centers are not coming up to national and international standards as most of the customers calls go unattended because of the poor call center performance The postpaid connection provided by Telenor Pakistan is comparatively expensive compared to other competitors like Warid Telecom and Ufone Pakistan Due to the buffering problem, Telenor mobile TV has poor visual quality Franchise distribution system is not up-to standards- This stands as the common problem for all mobile services operators. Record keeping is also an associated problem Opportunities: Participation within the growing Telecom industry and extension of coverage area Attract more subscribers and increase market share Product line and packages expansion focusing at various age groups and social classes Cost discount strategies Product innovation and attraction To become customer size specialist Threats: Monopoly of PTA and inclination towards state owned telecom service providers At any time PTA can modify the services of telecom sector Cutthroat competition operating in kinked demand oligopoly Implementation of WTO policies will result in open competitive pricing in services sector exclusively in telecom There is an imbalance between prices of inputs outputs SWOT Analysis of Ufone Pakistan Ufone is a Pakistani GSM cellular service provider, a subsidiary of Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited. Its operations started from Islamabad on January 29 2001. Ufone has progressed and attracted customers and expanded its coverage area by adding new cities and highways/motorways. After the privatization of PTCL, 26% shares of Ufone were sold to Etisalat. Around $65 million rupees have been invested by Ufone to setup its up-to-date technical infrastructure to provide fast data services and high quality voice. On its establishment, Ufone cater most importantly for the middle class, by announcing low rates and different packages with Urdu names like Jazba etc. Ufone has extended its customer support in a very planned and appropriate manner with a strategic network of dealers and outlets for people. Strengths Ufone is host to value added services and data connectivity Ufone offers the most reasonable prices for its users Ufone represents as the subsidiary of PTCL Prepaid roaming in Pakistan was first launched by Ufone along with the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and GPRS services Ufones Prepaid packages are now considered to be one of the most favorite packages by the youth market GPRS Roaming facility is available across 85 countries with more than 115 Live Operators Ufone has got the best e-marketing department in competition to the other mobile operators Weaknesses Ufones biggest weakness is that it cannot meet the demands of its customers Centralized structure of the organization has failed to provide proper direction over instruction and policies Ufone is not close to expected profitability It is a subsidiary of PTCL so it is dependent on PTCL and government for policies The franchise network of Ufone is not able to meet the demand of increasing number of mobile subscribers Ufone has not provided innovative services to its subscribers compared to other operators Its coverage in South region is quite good but in north its coverage is poor Ufone got some internal problems after its privatization to Etisalat when some employees became unhappy with the pay scale Opportunities Ufone has enormous ability to expand globally, but since it is a government owned organization, the economic situation in Pakistan does not permit this With the precise marketing strategy and planning they can gain much more subscribers market The demand for value added services in increasing with development in the IT Telecom sector, Ufone should come up with improvements in its value added services in order to gain leading edge in the market Ufone kiosk can be launched to enable services like ATM machines for Ufone customers Ufone should expand their Franchise network in remote areas to provide competition to Mobilink and Telenor which are constantly increasing their franchise network Ufone should expand its network coverage to the Northern areas of the country as well with the reason that in those parts of the country not too many companies are giving services and if Ufone gets success in providing its services there then it will definitely attract a huge chunk of people and its number of subscribers can increase Threats Government interference in terms of taxes PTCL should provide more financial support to Ufone to enhance profitability of its subsidiary company Being a responsibility, Ufone is supposed to provide good pension benefits to its employees, which sometimes appears like a great idea, but they are now facing problems as large amount of people are beginning to collect Ufone, like many large companies with quality employees healthcare welfares, is suffering from a large financial hit Some pressure groups are objecting on the towers that are installed in domestic areas. According to their point of view it is not good for health for the people who are directly exposed to the radiations caused by the towers Pakistan is experiencing serious problems regarding the economy now days which will ultimately also affect Ufone. The current downturn in market is not beneficial for any sort of business may that be telecommunication Organizational Structure Organizational structure defines the reporting and hierarchical structure in an organization. Literature review presents an explanation about the organization structure and the different types of it. Case studies of Organization structure for Telenor and Ufone Pakistan will be presented here. Organization Structure of Telenor Pakistan: The organizational structure of Telenor Pakistan is functional structure. The key features are listed as follows: There are eight departments, Finance, Customer Services, Commercial, Technical, Information Technology, Human Resources, Administration and Legal Affairs, each supervised by a Senior Executive Vice President or Executive Vice President. Each of these departments follow a flat structure to boost mutual processes and co-operations between lower staff and managers Each department has several sections and a manager is in-charge of each section. He controls the overall operations of that section Responsibility of each executive in charge includes all the services that are related to him Wide span of control in entire organization makes it convenient for the lower staff to reach top managers and boost coordination between them The categorized stages of organizational chart of Telenor Pakistan is shown in figure 2 below, the complete organizational structure has been attached as appendix A: Figure : Categorized Stages of Organizational Structure of Telenor Pakistan There are seven categorized levels. Tasks and duties of each person is evidently defined at the time of joining the organization. Duties can be changed later, but staff has good knowledge about their job responsibilities from the time they join the organization. There is no communication or motivational issues because of the layered structure and the open culture prevailing at each stage. There are no examples of de-motivation however in certain areas like Customer Relationship Department or Customer Service Centre different customer queries and objections can raise frustration levels when qualities of service targets are not being met. Managers in these sectors interfere to solve problems. On every occasion an employee has an idea, he/she is stimulated to approach the management or people at higher level of hierarchy and share it with them. Boxes are also situated at various places where personnel leave their ideas, suggestions and concerns. To stay anonymous is their legal right. The Communications Department tries to reach to certain decisions if the ideas can be executed and then debates them with the employees concerned. There is also a formal platform at the group level known as SEED where innovation is encouraged and new ideas about revenue concepts and cost effectiveness can be discussed. Employees are welcome to contribute and submit their innovating ideas. If the ideas that are shared are feasible then they are executed in the organization. Employees are then rewarded accordingly for their helpful contributions. Organization Structure of Ufone Pakistan The departmental and organizational structure for Ufone Pakistan has been shown in figure 3 below: Board of Directors CEO Project Director Marketing Sales Finance Information System Customer Care Engineering Quality Assurance Information technology HR Admin Figure : Organizational Chart of Ufone Pakistan The organizational structure of Ufone Pakistan is hybrid in nature where there is a formal control on every employee in the organization. The chain of command is decentralized and each personnel in the organization have his/her own tasks and responsibilities, which he/she has to fulfill. The key characteristics of the Organizational Structure are as follows: Ufone has a lean or horizontal structure The company has a decentralized structure making the flow of information easy and simple Ufone has different departments where every department has its head and all heads are interconnected Concept of departmentalization remains constantly in practice at Ufone Different departments work within their functional divisions to contribute towards the success of the business and to attain the set targets Ufone has 83 sub-departments that are working efficiently. All interact with each other towards the smooth running of the organization The organizational structure of Ufone consist of of Board of Directors who are reported by the Chief Executive Officer CEO is a great supervision to the eight major departments of the company. These are Finance, Marketing, IT, Engineering, Strategic Planning, Human Resource, and Sales Departments Discussion and Reflective Comments Case studies for strategic management process and organizational structure has been discussed for Ufone and Telenor. A comparison between these two organizations has been made because these two organizations had remained in close competition to each other in terms of subscribers market. Recent reports have shown that Telenor Pakistan has passed the landmark of 30 million subscriber base having a market share of 26%. It has shown consistent growth due to the technological development and efficient strategic management process. On the contrary, Ufones market share in terms of subscribers has shown decline, which is now 19%. The major factor for this is the policy making at executive and senior managerial levels. Policy making for Ufone is generally done by officials representing the government as Ufone is a subsidiary of government owned Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited. Besides this, at the time of privatization of PTCL, it was anticipated that PTCL and Ufone would be turne d into large profit and efficient organizations, but Etisalat group could not bring about many changes towards the operational and strategic management process. Telenors subscribers base, technological growth, marketing and network coverage has surpassed those of Ufone with a significant margin and today Telenor is presenting close competition to Mobilink, which is considered as a mature organization in Pakistans Telecom Industry. An important distinction between Mobilink and Telenor is the post-paid connection base, which is normally defined by business and corporate users. Telenor lags behind Mobilink in terms of post-paid subscribers by a huge margin reason being that Telenors postpaid connection is expensive and provides much lesser value added services compared to Mobilink. In the discussion about organizational structure, a point worth noting is that Telenor has a functional structure where each department has a set of functions well defined. However, a Hybrid structure combining both functional and horizontal structure is recommended as it can provide enhancement in coordination and communication between cross-functional teams and can also provide improved customer service. Besides this, the structure should be defined such that it is able to accommodate any changes that might seem appropriate. These changes can be easily accommodated in horizontal structure. Since Telenor is a part of Global Telenor Group, employee exchange program should be introduced at middle and senior level management in order to share the level of managerial and technical skills and expertise. Besides this, stock option could also be provided as a motivation to the employees.

Examples Of The Company Suffering From Bad Publicity

Examples Of The Company Suffering From Bad Publicity Greenpeace distributed an argumentative video on YouTube about Nestlà ©s source for palm oil for their products. The targeted product was the Kit Kat bar and the video play off the Kit Kat slogan Have a break, Have a Kit Kat. Greenpeace said that Nestlà ©s source have a dirty hands in ruining a rainforests which were natural habits for orangutans. Furthermore, Greenpeaces video also imitative Kit Kats commercial by starting by a bored office worker tearing paper for his boss for hours. He pulls out a Kit Kat bar and bites into it without noticing or caring that the Kit Kat is actually a bleeding orangutan finger, and leaks blood all over his face and keyboard. In this case, Nestle took a quick action removed the video. By today technology, there is still had a way to let YouTube user repost the video. The users started reposting the video all over the internet and the more internet users repost the video all over the internet, and the more videos is taken down, the more videos will added. *What is companys brand positioning? (March 2012) Affordable and nutritious Nestle targeted customer with products that are nutritious, cheaper and tasty. Popularly Positioned Products (PPPs) supply high nutritional value by affordable cost and in suitable formats to send the needs of some 3 billion lower-income consumers worldwide. Their current PPPs spread from culinary products to beverages, to dairy and biscuit with over 400 products are sold under some global brands such as Maggie and Nescafe. These actions bring 30-40% improvement in market penetration within lower-income customers in the last 2 years and increase distribution of Maggie noodles by advertise about affordability and healthy messages. * Provide some information about a recent marketing campaign. Nestle company launch a promotion called We will find you that find by GPS trackers which the shape alike normal chocolate bars. When a winning customer opens the wrapper, it will activates and send a message to the prize team who tracking them down within 24 hours to deliver a check for  £10,000. This chocolate product can find from KitKat Chunky, Yorkie Milk, KitKat 4 Finger and Aero Peppermint Medium. London showed off this video of Nestle using cutting edge geolocation technology to track down six lucky winners across the UK and Ireland. They believe that this promotion will particularly invoke to men, fascinating them to the chocolate singles category and thus driving increasing sales. Nestlà © Confectionery is delighted to be first to market with this highly innovative GPS for the promotion. During August 2010, Brazil was the first to use GPS, drop it into a product to track you and take marketing promotions to a whole new creepy yet innovative level. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Corporate Social Responsibility is defined a concept which the company incorporate social and environmental concerns in business operations and interactions with stakeholders on voluntary basis. Does the company promote a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees and communities? Nestle shown great concern for the society though the launch of their concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in 2006, Creating Shared Value (CSR).after the launch of CSR, Nestle undertaken many projects to help the society. A great project that brought significant change to society is The Cocoa Plan project to facilitate African cocoa farmers and the society take advantage of setting market prices by growing their productivity. Nestle funded farmer schools in West Africa to learn better ways which able to produce higher quality cocoa and increase revenue. Not only that, Nestle built a development and research centre that work in hand with Nestle plant science base. Nestle as a partner of International Cocoa Initiative and the World Cocoa foundation solved problems, example child labour and lack of access of education and health such as send farmers to field schools educates the farmer the way to increase productivity and also educated of diseases and prevention ways. In this case , the increasing of income for those West African household enhance their lifestyles. Between that, the dramatically of boosting of production of cocoa increase their exports and conversely decrease their foreign owing. There are also can learn new skills, study the technology and share useful information among the locals who sent to work. Nestle developed two business principles that focused on communications with consumers. One of the business principle is Nestle consumer communication should reflect moderation in food consumption and not encourage overeating especially important regarding children. Another one of the business principle is must combine the desire for healthy and balanced diets. Their advertising must not mean the reposition of meals with snack foods and heavy snacking. Nestle helps consumers recognize and understand the nutritional content of the food that they bought. This is a positive impact on the reputation of the company. Consumers can be know the Nestle behaving responsibly and communicating with them. They also facilitate and promote healthy living for their staffs. Nestle company linked to the Guideline Daily Amounts on the front of packs with the internal communication programme to tell staffs about GDAs and labeling system. In this case, it can help to motivate staffs as showed nestle care d about their well-being and their families.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysis of Article about Photography in The New Yorker :: Art Photography William Eggleston

Analysis of Article in The New Yorker originally written by Peter Schjeldahl The art world of photography is changing all the time. Peter Schjeldahl starts out with a very strong and well written paragraph about the world of art. Peter Schjeldahl says, â€Å"You can always tell a William Eggleston photograph. It’s the one in color that hits you in the face and leaves you confused and happy, and perhaps convinces you that you don’t understand photography nearly as well as you thought you did†. These couple of sentences are very strong and flow so well together, and they grab the reader’s attention. Peter explains how William Eggleston was known as a great American photographer. The writer executes a strong article with briefly stating what William Eggleston did in his earlier days. William Eggleston was born in Memphis, Tennessee and raised in Sumner, Mississippi. His father was an engineer who had failed as a cotton farmer, and his mother was the daughter of a prominent local judge. As a boy he enjoyed playing the piano, drawing, and working with electronics. From an early age, he was also drawn to visual media, and enjoyed buying postcards and cutting out pictures from magazines. The article tends to drag on with William Egglestons life. The reason I chose to read this article about art is, because art is so elegant to examine. To see the art of a really well known artist makes the article more intriguing. It’s interesting to see how a writer tries to explain how someone else’s art can attract them. I`m an artist myself I would rather see my art and do less talking. It’s all about the picture that’s on the wall that does the talking. It’s you as a person understanding how to determine what to feel when looking at the art on the wall. I believe artist face a very entertaining and difficult time when it comes to art in general. Passion is a great lesson any artist can take away and learn from. It makes a piece of artwork come together and makes the outcome strong. Art is very powerful and in my opinion it guides our society and makes change happen.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Rasmussens Encephalitis :: essays research papers

The human immune system is an amazing system that is constantly on the alert protecting us from sicknesses. Thousands of white blood cells travel in our circulatory system destroying all foreign substances that could cause harm to our body or to any of the millions of processes going on inside. Now imagine a condition where this awesome system turns against the most complex organ in the human body, the brain. Deadly as it is, this condition is known as Rasmussen’s encephalitis. The meaningful research on Rasmussen’s encephalitis was begun (unintentionally) by Scott Rogers and Lorise Gahring, two neurologists, who were at the time measuring the distribution of glutamate receptors in the brain. Later on when more provocative information was found they enlisted the help of James McNamara and Ian Andrews, epilepsy experts at Duke University Medical Center. The details on Rasmussen’s encephalitis were very bleak at the time when the men began their research. All that was known is that Rasmussen’s encephalitis was a degenerative disease of the brain that caused seizures, hemiparesis, and dementia normally in the first ten years of life. The seizures that were caused by Rasmussen’s encephalitis were unstoppable by normal anti-seizure drugs used conventionally. What the worst part of the disease was that the pathogenesis for it were not known and even worse was how it developed. The first clue was delivered when Rogers and Gahring were trying to register the distribution of the glutamate receptors using antibodies, that tag on to the receptor itself. The proteins that make up the glutamate receptors(GluR) are only found inside the blood brain barrier(BBB). Glutamate and a few related amino acids are the dominant form of excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system of mammals. If one of these GluRs happens to wander into the actual bloodstream, that is outside the BBB, it would be considered an outsider and destroyed immediately. So if these GluRs were put into the normal blood stream then the immune system would produce antibodies which could then be used in the searching for the glutamate receptors. In order to test this theory the researchers injected the GluRs into the blood stream of a normal healthy rabbit hoping to produce good results. At this point the experiment took a dramatic turn, after receiving a few doses of the protein two of the three rabbits began to twitch, as though they were suffering the pain of an epileptic seizure.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Adapting Poe :: essays research papers fc

Differences in Film and Literature Today there are many differences between stories and film adaptations. When people read a book like Lord of The Rings they use one of the mind’s greatest things, the imagination. When people read the story they imagine how the characters look, the way they act, where the story takes place, and other of the setting. Then when a movie such as â€Å"Lord of the Rings† comes out, they see the movie and see how the director has interpreted the story, many people are either impressed because it is how they imagined it or they don’t like it because it is so different from the story and what they thought it would be. In most cases of a book or story gone Hollywood, the fans of the book generally don’t like it because it doesn’t fit the liking of the reader/viewer. Some reasons for a director to adapt the movie from its original literary counterpart may be that the description in a section of the book may be to elaborate or not elaborate enough and to expensive for a director and his/her company to create. The director will take something that he does not like or can not do and adapt it so that it fits his/her liking or the movie in general. The director may also add things that were not in the movie for other reasons like character development or a stronger plot line. One example of this is in Edgar Allen Poe’s short story Hop-Frog, also known as The Eight Chained Orangutans. This short story was adapted and turned into a one hour long TV movie called â€Å"Fool’s Fire† that aired on PBS in 1992. The was written and directed by Julie Taymor, based on a story by Edgar Allan Poe(New York Times). Page 2 In "Fool's Fire," the story revolves around Hop-Frog a jester. He is the one who must be the kings pet and must follow every command of the over weight king and his seven councilors, each who are very rude and mean to Hop-Frog. When a tiny dancer named Trippetta enters the picture, Hop-Frog has a secret crush on her and be-friends her. Then when the king throws a cup of wine in her face it pushes Hop-Frog to the edge. He plans his revenge in an elaborate plot that is thought up for one of the kings pranks.

Characteristics of the effective counselor Essay

I ‘d like to acknowledge the wonderful help that I received from one of the finest professors at Liberty University Online. I am very grateful to you, Dr. McCarthy, who provided me with the much needed suggested improvements and gave me the tools to complete this research paper. Thanks! Abstract The characteristics that make up an effective counselor are the personality traits that really define the counselor. Several leaders in the field of counseling have listed many of these personality qualities; self confidence, high energy level, optimistic, sense of humor, neutrality, flexibility, emotional stability, risk-taking experience, analytic thinking, creativity, enthusiasm, honesty, sensitivity, hope, self control, awareness, and knowledge. The research compiled in this paper confirm that it’s the richness of the personality that builds the effectiveness of the counselor. Being an effective counselor requires forming not just a solid relationship with your client, but an emotional experience, where the counselor works with the client in a supportive role to recognize and move through challenges as the goals are achieved. It’s the counselors and not the psychotherapists that must allow an emotional alliance and empathetic responses to their client’s issues. Overall, the most important personality qualities in any effective counselor seem to center on warmth, genuineness, compassion and empathy. These are the traits that will be addressed the most in this paper. These four traits seem to provide the purest motivation and seemingly guide the direction of the moral compass within the most effective counselors. The biggest obstacle is identifying how to increase these ideal qualities in oneself as a counselor. The answer seems to lie in a consistent daily practice of mind-body-medicine and self-care. Characteristics of the Effective Counselor Overall it’s the relationship that influences the therapeutic outcome and it’s the counselor’s personality and character that determine the depth and effectiveness of the therapeutic alliance with the client. Counselors that know themselves benefit their clients the most â€Å"†¦the single most important factor in effective counseling is the person-hood of the counselor, regardless of education, training, theoretical orientation, or counseling technique.† (as cited by Clinton, 2002). The personality and character of the counselor is the single most important variable, more important than the therapeutic techniques applied. Effective counselors possess a myriad of personal qualities that transcend their theoretical orientation and therapeutic techniques (Clinton, 2002, p. 185). In order to cultivate the best personhood, or personality of an effective counselor, the issue of identifying what these attractive characteristics or qualities are and how to increase and expand upon them becomes paramount. The combination of qualitative and quantitative measurement tools reflects the overall measure of effectiveness of a counselor. Body Effective Characteristics The classic works of Carl Rogers (1957) identified the need for presence, congruence, empathetic understanding and unconditional positive regard. Above all, he stated the importance of congruence by means of compliance between ideal self and actual self in his personality theory. The third condition is that the therapist should be, within the confines of this relationship, a congruent, genuine, integrated person. It means that within the relationship he is freely and deeply himself, with his actual experience accurately represented by his awareness of himself. It is the opposite of presenting a facade, either knowingly of unknowingly (Rogers, 1957, p. 97). The idea is to bridge the gaps in all directions, to include the therapeutic alliance gaps that separate the counselor from the client. The idea is to remove all disconnect and just experience each experience as a true and  authentic experience, without judgment and without preconceptions. Present moment awareness requires the therapist to take note of the elements that make up each experience, such as sensations, thoughts and feelings. Acknowledgment of these experiences without feeling the need to react or fix anything is critical. The Golden Triad The Golden Triad, or â€Å"therapeutic triad†, is one invaluable concept of effective counseling characteristics and lays down a solid benchmark for counselor’s to emulate and implement. The Golden Triad consists of the high display of warmth, genuineness, and empathy that effective counselors exude with their clients. The therapist’s persuasiveness, level of attention, understanding, support and encouragement all impact the results of the therapy with the client. It’s not just therapist’s ability to foster a positive relationship with the client, but specific needs and expectations for improvement must be met for the client (Clinton, 2002, p. 185). Frequently, genuine responses require more self-reflection and mindful attention. Self-reflection promotes awareness of feelings and knowing the appropriate moment to convey them to a client. Cultivating Empathy and Compassion The majority of counselors who ascribe to the values of holistic humanistic or existential approaches are less likely to avoid experiencing compassion and empathy as they enter and experience their client’s worldview, so that they can become vulnerable and understand how he/she experiences their world (Bowen & Moore, 2014, p. 18). Although the ability to be vulnerable with clients can yield both negative effects such as compassion fatigue or positive effects such as compassion satisfaction, it’s critical that the qualities of compassion and empathy are made readily available to the client in a balanced and careful manner. Being in a state of mindfulness helps to produce more balanced responses of empathy and compassion, without minimizing therapeutic presence (Campbell & Christopher, 2012, pg. 221). In order to help cultivate the many beneficial characteristics of an effective counselor, such as compassion and empathy, certain practices  should be implemented daily. Mind-body practices such as Yoga, Mediation, Qi Gong, etc. bring awareness and acceptance and help to foster a therapeutic and empathetic presence. The ability for a therapist to be present enhances the therapeutic relationship and promotes healing. The mindfulness presence increases the awareness and acceptance of their own inner experience as well as for the experience of the client (Campbell, 2012, pg. 222). Awareness and Acceptance This combination of awareness and acceptance seem to encourage less reactive behavior, by nonreactively recognizing thoughts, emotions and sensations as they arise. This practice also helps to communicate experiences and to be more present to their client’s inner experiences and sufferings in the same moment-to-moment awareness, which additionally helps clients express their body sensations and feelings. Mindfulness practicing therapists learn how to take their minds less seriously and not feel as though they needed to do something when feelings such as anxiety emerge. These mindfulness practicing therapists could also maintain a therapeutic connection with their client and become less reactive to their struggling client’s experiences, rather than sensing their own inadequacy and need to be in control (Campbell, 2012, pg. 221). The counselors freely chose if or how they were to respond to counter-transference. One choice is by acting as observers and just notice without judgment and without trying to suppress reactions to what was happening in the present moment. This mindfulness seems connected to an ability to tolerate silence and wait through it, allowing new experiences to emerge and genuine encounters to occur. This mindfulness presence allows clients to begin to experience their therapist as individual witness in the midst of their own vulnerability (Campbell, 2012, pg. 223). The Essence of Therapeutic Presence According to Rogers, three components exist in attempting to capture the essence of therapeutic presence: being open and available to all aspects of the client’s experience, being open to one’s own experience in being with the client, and having the capacity to respond to the client from the  experience. This therapeutic presence is more of a state of being rather than of doing and the beneficial influence of mindfulness extends to all participants in the therapeutic relationship (Rogers, 1957, p. 98-99). Two elements related to therapeutic presence that deserve repeating are attention and empathy, which have been shown to increase through mindfulness practice. Many practitioners of mindfulness report increases not only in attention and empathy, but in awareness, patience, focus, compassion, responsiveness, the ability to handle strong emotions, and less defensive, judgmental and reactive. (Campbell, 2012, pg. 213) One last concept to point out is that being in present moment awareness with the client occurs on four main levels; spiritually, emotionally, physically and cognitively and requires a deep knowledge of oneself, which can usually be attained through a consistent life-long commitment of integrating a daily exercise routine of mindfulness practices into a demanding schedule. These daily practices may not only induce relaxation states, but can profoundly alter our relationship to ourselves and our minds (Campbell, 2012, pg. 217). Conclusion To summarize, the most important tool that an effective counselor has is themselves. The characteristics of an effective counselor are directly related to the counselor’s personality and client relationship. Some key personality traits of an effective counselor are compassion, empathy, awareness, acceptance, warmth, genuineness as well as a congruent and fully integrated individual. One of the most effective approaches in which counselors can cultivate and nurture those qualities can be found in a daily mindfulness practice, which helps to maintain a more solid moment-to-moment awareness as the client experiences the world and the counselor maintains the role of present, nonjudgmental witness. With a consistent and daily practice of mindfulness exercises, the therapist begins to live more in the moment and less in a reactive state. By working continuously towards self-mastery and self-actualization, counselors can provide the therapeutic presence that positively impacts their clients’ growth and well-being. References Bowen, N., & Moore, J. (2014). Common Characteristics of Compassionate Counselors: A Qualitative Study. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 36(1), 17-29. Clinton, Timothy, and George Ohlschlager. Competent Christian Counseling. Vol. 1. Colorado Springs: Waterbrook, 2002. 184-186, 570-574. Print. Campbell, J. C., & Christopher, J. C. (2012, July). Teaching mindfulness to create effective counselors. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 34(3), 213+. Retrieved from Rogers, C.R. (1957). The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21,95-103. doi:10.1037/h0045357

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

PSTD And The Effects It Causes

The psychological wounds of war submit a fact where individuals argon very much mimes forgotten, unaddressed, and underrepresented-especially those who ar unworthy from the postgraduates stress syndrome, they be also struggling with the transition bottom to normal life and work. Literature round off EST. Defined. Examining the impact of military machine trauma on a stage managers life remains in an infant stage with respect to perspicacious all that moldiness(prenominal) garnered (Stutter, 1995). Accountability, sustainability, and sermon ar far from organism complete.Not wholly do diagnostic and word paradigms need to be made available to those veterinarians who admit from PITS, entirely a place upright system must be identified and social organisationd to as advantageously. Family and friends moderate to learn that they must be proactive in their understanding and nutri manpowert of the military veterinary surgeon who bring in been diagnosed with PITS dis stage. til now the position that batch who devote been in military battle and suffer from PITS, on that draw a bead on has been reported a direct descent between the b some other and banish tangible health as well up much(prenominal) as non-specific EACH irregularities and theoretically defects and infarctions. Jacksons, 2004). Although non extensively face fored on that point atomic number 18 indications that PITS is think to some gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal dysfunctions as well. However, the psychological factors directing from PITS has been researched to a greater extent extensively and some(prenominal) sermons modalities ache been utilise. These treatwork forcet methods acknowledge, that not limited to, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodrama therapy, group therapy, spectrographically therapy, as well as several data-based approaches utilizing seniority and Asiatic approaches. Dietrich, et al, 2000). Regardless of the treatment program empl oyed to treat pile with PITS all must concentrate of the protecting(prenominal) factors surrounding the stage manager, namely, the individual his or herself, the family, and friends or peers. As stated in Chapter 1 of Comers book entitled Funda psychogenics of deviate Psychology (2005), the road to better mental health for individuals scummy from each abnormal discommode rests with the community-based interventions and hornswoggle-term therapy.With respect to the PITS veteran(prenominal) what is at stake is to add-on self-esteem, self-efficacy and those skills infallible to cope with stress brought most by PITS via therapeutic intervention that is community cogitate (support) and short-term goal oriented. The therapies generally used, tally to Comer (Chapter 5) are usually multi-modal to complicate a combination of medication, psychotherapy, ND cognitive-behavioral intervention. As said earlier some Asian and sensory-motor therapies are used as well.In launch to accom plish this goal the individual must attempt to reestablish bonds of trust with family members, increase communication abilities, and begin to strengt chick ties with peers and friends in pro-social activities and those involving the re-establishment trust and intimacy. Without a great arouse of attention given to these protective features the run a risk factors for continued or strengthening of EST. is greatly increased. Those risk factors include, simply are not limited to, continued excessive and vivid fears, social isolationism, family conflict, avoiding coping style, and interpersonal discord.Whether or not an untreated stress disorder provoke and allow lead to a much debilitating disorder such as schizophrenia (Chapter 12) has not been researched to the point wherein definite conclusions puke be drawn. As such those individuals who have been diagnosed as PITS patients, solely not treated, with respect to military besiege service need to be re-evaluated to root the possibility of having a much to a greater extent(prenominal) serious disorder. As PITS is a relatively virgin diagnostic category for theAmeri merchantman psychiatrical Association, and for all those involved the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder, a great deal more investigative research must be conducted to determine its long-term marrow on the individual, on society, and even on the pastoral political and economic balance. What is the alarming fact that knowing EST. does indeed exist the research annals are void of cited programs used to prevent PITS in military, or any other high risk occupation. It is whiz thing to diagnose and treat a disorder, yet another to install rub measures to deal with situations that posterior lead to PITS.In edition, a literature review failed to locate any supportive materials as to how the government will deal with those returned military service masses who will capitulate, involuntarily to PITS. What is desperately requisite is a to begin with and after military service program that focuses on strategies to abet military personnel to adjust to a new milieu (I. E. Combat) as well as to re-adjust to a returning central government agency environment. Such programs would have the crux of their efforts facilitative and proactive approaches that assist the person with a range of personal and relationship issues.In attachment for those military response re-locating to hostile bases should be involved in multicultural superior workshops and culturally reasonable caregivers should contact these workshops and tour treatment programs. This is especially true for those people who are now serving in Iraq and other combat active regions. From participation in Vietnam some 30 years ago our society has fallen short in supporting those who risk their acknowledges for our nations well-being.Attempting to throw light on a disorder that has political, psychological, and sociological comp whizznts is not an easy l abor. single out each area is arduous hen attempting to look at only one Of the aforementioned variables with reference to PITS in veterans-male and pistillate a similar. There is even research to suggest that PITS is a very real veteran disorder, all efforts should ensure to treat not only those who have served their country but curriculum and implement strategic initiatives on a preventative basis.For those individuals serving in Iraq the need for mental health support before entering the combat field of view and while in combat is a move we gitnot afford not to take. A war that has touted to be over in a few months has now dragged on for overall years and longer. As a allow the cultural sensitivity initiatives before and after entering a foreign country must somehow be integrated into the war theater on a preemptive move. In other words, plan now or compensate later.These EST. veterans also have to learn how to live back in society and shroud work twenty-four hour period to day. With only about half of veterans suffering from PITS pursuance treatment (Tangential & Jaycee, n. D. ), transitioning back to everyday life crowd out be herculean for returning soldiers in a variety of ways, including the workforce. There are a multitude of conditions that domiciliate rally from PITS that make rotational employment more difficult for a veteran suffering from PITS.Researchers name some of the issues as reposition detriment, lack of parsimony, stress (which can interconnected or be separate from fright attacks, f crushbacks and emotional extremes), and inability to work well with executive programs or coworkers, and sensitivity to sounds and lights that can result in physical distress such as headaches (Babble 2012). All of these present challenges for employers, but can be managed as veterans look to adjust to a more handed-down noncombatant life and work on managing their PITS symptoms with treatment.Memory loss is one of the main effects asso ciated with PITS. Perhaps one of the draw problems with this as it relates to traditional employment is that PITS does not only impact long-term retentivity, but can have an effect on a patients day-to-day life. Researchers have anchor that memory loss effects on unremarkable go and treatment are of primary lodge in And wince the resources available to PITS patients when coping with lifes demands (Samuelsson, 2011, p. 351 ). This can impact employees from the moment they are chartered throughout the duration of their employment.Veterans suffering from PITS whitethorn struggle with training, as numbering what they have just learned whitethorn spread out difficult, and whitethorn also have swage in meetings, remembering tasks and assignments, and how to use equipment they are unfamiliar with. There are suggestions for employers on how to make such complications easier on the workers, including budgeting for more training, writing minutes from or register recording meeting s, posting written directions for involved equipment and providing the employee with a task list that can be checked off.Much like memory loss, a lack of assiduity can be extremely challenging for two an employer and the worker. A study out of Yale University found people who buffer from PITS tend to allow for instructions even after audience them multiple times, and typically are shortsighted about where they have placed their possessions (Brenner, 2000). This can interfere with workplace tasks, especially in busy offices with potential distractions. To sponsor combat the effects of lack of concentration for veterans with PITS, Americas Heroes at Work, a division of the U. S.Department of Labor, suggests employers should aim to reduce as many possible distractions go on the employee, by allowing sound machines or music, ever-changing the lighting or creating a hugger-mugger workspace to keep the individual on task. period memory loss and lack of concentration are relative ly similar in terms of their effects on veterans with PITS, there are several other symptoms that may be more difficult to military service manage as an employer. Patients tend to suffer from stress as a result of p T SD, which can include flashbacks to the traumatic event or events that triggered the disorder.Researchers beseech that six major factors can alleviate veterans overcome, or at the very least manage, stress associated with the effects of PITS practicing altruism, having a constructive outlook, maintaining an active coping lifestyle, getting exercise, seeking support from friends and Emily, and being flexible in responses to negatively charged situations (Hoagland, Cooper, Southwest, & Charley, 2007). Veterans suffering from PITS-induced stress may struggle as unforeseen daily problems arise on the contrast and could have a difficult time as new responsibilities are added.Stress could also period of play a role in absenteeism (Huge, Territorial, Castro, Messes & Engel, 2007) as veterans with PITS are not immune to experiencing triggers with their symptoms right(prenominal) of their work environ meet that could have a secondary impact on work. Stress can also kick in to another common symptom of P T SD recurring brat attacks. An employee may worry that these episodes will reflect negatively on them in the workplace therefore, an employer would be best served by having a plan in place for handling this situation should it arise to help with the comfort of the veteran and other coworkers.Additionally, a respectful and firm relationship between an employee and a supervisor is often critical for a tillable workplace, which can sometimes be impact by a veteran suffering from PITS. Not only is the veteran apparent not used to the traditional structure of a work environment as compared to the ranks of the military, but other symptoms of P T SD can trigger a negative action in a potentially frustrated employee.For example, an employee sufferi ng from PITS-induced memory loss who cannot per model a basic task that was explained to him or her earlier in the day may become overwhelmed or upset, and could lash out at or bill the supervisor, or having a generally negative reaction that could interfere with workplace esprit de corps and working relationships. Bosses are encouraged to make the transition easier on the worker by providing as much information in writing to serve as a reference as possible, and give corroboratory reinforcement to the employee. Similarly, conflicts an arise between coworkers and veterans that may not occur between civil employees.It is critical to understand what is causing the stress it is coming from stress, memory loss, lack Of concentration or another possible symptom of PITS? Coworkers should all receive some form of training on disabley cognizance to help them make the best decisions in a potentially uncomfortable situation. Employers can also help diffuse latent hostility before it beg ins by accommodating the veterans inescapably as best as possible, whether that be with a hole-and-corner(a) workspace, allowing for music to be played during the day, or initiating techniques for managing stress. Finally, another key workplace concern for veterans with PITS is hypersensitivity.This is defined as being anxious around queen-size crowds and unknown areas, startling easily, and being sensitive to lights and sound. These symptoms can trigger physical reactions in soldiers, from headaches and migraines to more severe responses like panic attacks. In the workplace, this can present problems for a veteran because there is a certain lack of control over things like lighting and noises. An employer can provide pick lighting for a worker who may be sensitive to bright office lights, and can also help with private accommodations when possible.Coworkers should be sensitive to a veteran who may be prone to being startled when interrupted. Transitioning from life in a war zo ne to life in the civilian United States is credibly difficult for all of the more-than two million men and women who have served overseas, but it can be made increasingly hard when adding PITS symptoms to the mix. With at least 20 percent of veterans reportage symptoms, it is paramount for employers to be aware of how to help manage a soldiers medical concerns in the workplace. Veterans with this disorder will add unique(p) issues to a work environment likely not seen as frequently in civilian employees.Worries about transitioning well into an every-day job may even have the effect Of enhancing some PITS symptoms for certain veterans, depending on how they are affected by the disorder. Therefore, both veterans and employers should be responsible for having candid discussions regarding the patients experiences with the disorder, and how the work environment is likely to impact symptoms, in order to give both the company and the veteran the best chance to succeed as the soldier emb arks on a new life as a civilian in the United States. The impacts of war have proven their significance to our service men and women.